A Guide to Indoor Air Quality

The Homeowners Guide to Indoor Air Quality

Everyone loves getting some fresh air. Unfortunately, many cities and towns throughout the United States deal with significant air quality problems. Outdoor air is known to carry lots of pollutants, but what about you the air inside your home? More and more studies are showing that indoor air quality is often worse than the outdoor. Whether you live in a rural community or a major metropolitan area, you may be at risk for breathing in polluted air. For Orem and Draper, UT residents, Parley’s PPM Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning is here to help. We know all the ins and outs of recognizing air quality issues and remedying them. Read up on our guide to indoor air quality, or give us a call with specific questions.

Why Is Indoor Air Quality Important?

With so much polluted air inside and out, it’s easy to get complacent. After all, many people don’t know what they can do to clear the air. Nevertheless, indoor air quality is incredibly important to your health and that of your family. People who already have respiratory conditions may experience adverse effects of being exposed to poor air quality. Even in otherwise healthy people, exposure to indoor air pollution may cause the following problems:

  • Cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses
  • Damaged respiratory system
  • Increased stress on the heart and lungs
  • Loss of lung capacity
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis

Know the Causes of Air Quality Issues

Indoor air quality issues are commonly caused by a lack of proper ventilation in your home or apartment. Consistently high temperatures and humid environments may also worsen your indoor air quality. Yet other sources of pollution include:

  • Burning coal or wood
  • Smoking
  • Certain building materials
  • Water damage
  • Cleaning products
  • Pesticides
  • Radon

How Pollutants Can Enter Your Home

If you live in an area with poor outdoor air quality, there’s a significant chance that poor air will infiltrate your home. Outdoor air can get into your house or apartment via openings or cracks in the walls, floors, and ceilings. Pollution can also gain access through windows, doors, and joints.

Identifying Air Pollution in Your Home

So, how do you know if your indoor air polluted? Obviously, polluted air doesn’t look any different than regular air. That’s why it’s crucial to know the signs of poor indoor air quality before the problem worsens. If you notice any of the following, reach out to Parley’s PPM Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning:

  • Adverse Health Effects: If you or a family member begin to have unexplained respiratory issues, they may be the result of poor air quality. This is an especially strong sign if you’ve just moved into a new place.
  • Ventilation Problems: Ventilation problems can manifest in a few different ways. You may notice stuffy air, dirty HVAC equipment, and unexplained condensation on the walls. Strange smells and mold growth may also be signs of inadequate ventilation.
  • Sources of Pollution: In the previous section, we mentioned some of the conditions that can cause poor indoor air quality. If any of those sources exist in your home, be especially cautious when it comes to air quality.
  • High Radon Levels: It’s a good idea to measure the amount of radon in your home. You can acquire a relatively inexpensive device to measure this colorless, odorless, and dangerous gas.

How Can I Improve My Indoor Air Quality?

If you’ve identified poor indoor air quality in your home, the first thing you want to know is how to fix it. Fortunately, Parley’s PPM Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning has all the tools you need to restore fresh, breathable air. The method we choose will depend on what’s causing the pollution and its severity. We often recommend the following methods of cleaning up your air:

Eliminating the Source

If you have poor air quality in your home, it only makes sense to eliminate the source. Our team will visit your home and determine what factors are contributing to polluted air. These contributors might include gas stoves, asbestos, and lack of natural ventilation. For example, if a gas stove is the culprit of your poor air quality, we’ll recommend switching to electric. Most Utah homeowners find eliminating the source to be the most affordable way to improve indoor air quality.

Investing in Air Cleaning Equipment

Today, you can find top-quality air cleaning equipment with a quick internet search. Air purifiers like the Reme Halo or the Bi-polar Whole House Air Purifier can do a great job of removing pollutants from your indoor air. However, make sure to choose a model with a high air-circulation rate and an efficient collector. Models without these requirements won’t be as effective at cleaning up your air. Keep in mind that an air cleaner won’t root out some pollution sources. If you’re unsure whether this equipment is a good solution for you, give Parley’s PPM Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning a call. We’d be happy to hear more about your concerns and recommend an air purifier.

Improving Ventilation

Another easy way to improve your indoor air quality is to increase the natural ventilation in your home. Many people like leaving windows sealed tight and the air conditioner on all day. Unfortunately, this means that fresh, outdoor air cannot get into your home to replace polluted air. It’s a good idea to open windows and doors once in a while so fresh air can circulate. We also suggest turning on ceiling fans or bathroom fans to circulate and remove polluted air.


Weatherizing your home is an excellent way to reduce your need for heating and cooling systems. Taking steps to prepare your home for the upcoming winter or summer means your HVAC unit won’t have to work as hard, thus minimizing air pollution from inside your house.

HVAC Repairs and Replacements

If your heating and cooling system contributes to poor indoor air quality, it’s time for a replacement. The HVAC contractors at Parley’s PPM Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning can evaluate your system and decide if a replacement is best or a repair will do the trick. We carry some of the most reliable makes and models on the market.

Look to Our Experienced Technicians For Help

Indoor air quality is complicated to address on your own. There are lots of potential sources and many adverse effects of leaving polluted air unchecked. Luckily, Draper and Orem residents can count on the team at Parley’s PPM Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning for help. We can quickly spot the signs of an air quality problem and recommend a fix. Depending on your circumstances, we can help you pick out a humidifier or suggest ways to improve natural ventilation. Your health is our top priority, and we promise to look out for you and your family.

Get in Touch with Our Team Today

While most of us don’t spend a lot of time thinking about air quality, it’s paramount to understand how polluted air can affect you. If you suspect poor air quality in your home, don’t hesitate to give our team a call. The HVAC contractors at Parley’s PPM Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning would be glad to listen to your concerns and evaluate your situation. Contact us today for more information on the importance of good air quality.