Is Your Furnace Ready for Winter?

During the warm, sunny months of summer, your furnace is likely the last thing on your mind. However, as summer draws to a close and fall and winter approach, it’s never too early to consider the condition of your furnace and its needs as the cooling season grows closer. Taking the time now to ensure your furnace is ready to heat your home this winter can reduce stress and keep your heating bills low once it’s time to flip your thermostat from “cool” to “heat.”

Change the Air Filter

The same air filters that your air conditioner uses to reduce dust buildup on working components and improve indoor air quality also performs this function for your furnace. Once the cooling season is over, it’s important to continue changing this filter to protect your furnace and maintain the indoor air quality you want throughout the winter. Consult your records or talk to your HVAC service about when this filter was last changed; some filters should be changed once a month, while others can last up to three months in place before replacement is needed. Especially if your filter needs replacement less frequently, make sure to mark your calendar and change this filter when its lifetime is up for better furnace function.

Inspect Your Furnace

HVAC equipment typically sits out of sight and out of mind, and many furnaces are located in the same area where homeowners store out-of-season items. Before the fall heating season, it’s a good idea to visually inspect your furnace for any damage it may have sustained while sitting dormant. Make sure any items stored in this area are at least three feet away, which can help to prevent damage if they accidentally fall. If you do spot signs of damage, corrosion, or even pest activity on or around your furnace, contact your HVAC company for assistance. A damaged furnace should not be used until it has been assessed and repaired by a professional for efficiency and safety reasons.

Schedule a Fall HVAC Tune-Up

Before you set your thermostat to heat your home, it’s best to have your furnace inspected and tuned up by a heating and cooling professional. During this service, your technician will check and clean every component of your furnace to ensure it is working properly and won’t suffer from efficiency issues related to dirt and dust buildup that may have settled on and in the appliance over the summer. Any parts that are damaged or failing can be addressed before they are needed, which will both reduce the costs of making furnace repairs and ensure that your furnace activates and performs as you expect from the very first day you need it.

Have you scheduled your fall HVAC maintenance service in Orem yet this year? You can reach an experienced heating and cooling technician on our website to check this important task off your to-do list. We are pleased to offer biannual HVAC maintenance in addition to HVAC repair and replacement solutions to ensure your home’s heating system stays in great shape and meets your changing needs, year after year. You can also check out the latest HVAC and plumbing news when you click through our library of past blog articles.